III. v. t. draw in the stomach, contract the stomach; 2. force through, as one's way in a crowd; v. i. stand on tip-toe to reach something, எட்டு; 2. climb up, ascend, ஏறு; 3. heap up as sand by waves. எக்கல், v. n. the act of contracting the stomach; 2. that which is cast ashore, silt, sand etc. எக்கல் அடிக்க, to be heaped up by the waves. எக்கி, a syringe, squirt.
J.P. Fabricius Dictionary
, [ekku] கிறேன், எக்கினேன், வேன், எக்க, ''v. a.'' To draw in the stomach--as beggars to show hunger, or as persons in dressing, வயிற்றையெஃகப்பண்ண. 2. ''v. n.'' To reach up, stretch one's self in reaching for any thing, எட்ட. 3. To ascend, ஏற. 4. ''(p.)'' To be heaped up--as sand by the waves on the shore, உந்துண்ண. 5. (சது.) To fight, போர்செய்ய.
Miron Winslow