III. v. t. pull out, pluck out, களை; 2. snatch away, extort, பறி: 3. depose, turn one out of office, தள்ளு. வேரோடே பிடுங்க, to pluck up by the root. பிடுங்குண்ணி, one who lives by extortion; 2. one deprived of his living by an extortioner, பிடுங்குண்டவன்.
J.P. Fabricius Dictionary
, [piṭungku] கிறேன், பிடுங்கினேன், வேன், பிடுங்க, ''v. a.'' To pull out, to pull off, to pluck up, to extract, to extirpate, eradi cate, களைய. 2. To snatch, to seize on, to grasp, பறிக்க. 3. To extort, to wrest or wring from, இழுக்க. 4. To depose, to dis lodge, to turn one out of office, அகற்ற. ''(c.)''
Miron Winslow