III. v. t. mingle, mix with the hand, கலக்கு.
J.P. Fabricius Dictionary
, [picṟu] கிறேன், பிசறினேன், வேன், பிசற, ''v. a.'' To mingle, to mix with the hand, as powders with water, boiled rice, &c., கலக்க. ''(c.)''
Miron Winslow
III. v. t. mingle, mix with the hand, கலக்கு.
J.P. Fabricius Dictionary
, [picṟu] கிறேன், பிசறினேன், வேன், பிசற, ''v. a.'' To mingle, to mix with the hand, as powders with water, boiled rice, &c., கலக்க. ''(c.)''
Miron Winslow