Tamil Dictionary 🔍



III v. i. flow gently as water from a spring; 2. be scarce, குறை; 3. smart as the eye from dust.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary

, [aruvu] கிறது, அருவினது, ம், அ ருவ, ''v. n.'' [''improp. for'' அருகு.] To stir, move, go out by little and little, flow as water by small degrees from a spring or from stage to stage down a mountain, மெல்லெனச்செல்ல. 2. As அருந்தலாக, to be scarce. 3. To approach, கிட்ட. 4. To smart as the eyes, கண்கரிக்க.

Miron Winslow

அருவு - ஒப்புமை - Similar