Tamil Dictionary 🔍



ஒன்றை முற்ற ஆராயாது அதனொரு பாகத்தைமாத்திரம் கண்டு நிச்சயிக்கும் நெறி. Maxim of the blind men and the elephant, used to denote arriving at a wrong one-sided conclusion, as the blind men who, each feeling a different part of the elephant, formed erroneous opinions as to what the elephant was like;

Tamil Lexicon

n. andha+.
Maxim of the blind men and the elephant, used to denote arriving at a wrong one-sided conclusion, as the blind men who, each feeling a different part of the elephant, formed erroneous opinions as to what the elephant was like;
ஒன்றை முற்ற ஆராயாது அதனொரு பாகத்தைமாத்திரம் கண்டு நிச்சயிக்கும் நெறி.


அந்தகஜநியாயம் - ஒப்புமை - Similar