Tamil Dictionary 🔍



, ''s.'' The stage when a medicinal oil is to be taken from the fire. 2. ''(fig.)'' Such a delicate state of the system as renders a person liable to disease from the least exposure. 3. ''(fig.)'' Excessive irritability of temper, extreme of sensibility.--''Note.'' There are five degrees of inspissation: 1. குழம்புப்பதம், a thickened state; 2. கடுகுப்பதம், partial fluidity; 3. மந்தபதம், oily consistency; 4. மெழுகுபதம், waxy state; 5. முறுகுபதம், dry ness. There are two states of heat in preparing oils, metals, &.c.: காயும்பதம், slight heat, for boiling the juices of plants; 2. வேல்பதம், full heat for melting gold, silver and other metals.

Miron Winslow

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