Tamil Dictionary 🔍



VI. v. i. become wet and sloppy, சேறாகு; 2. chatter, அலப்பு; 3. sound like the dropping of rain மழையடி; 4. be dispirited or overcome in controversy. சளசளவென, to chatter, to babble, to rush with a splash like a stream or rain. சளசளவென்று பேசுகிறான், he babbles or chatters.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary

, [cḷcḷ] க்கிறேன், த்தேன், ப்்பேன், க்க, ''v. n.'' To be or grow wet, miry, muddy, sloppy, சேறாக. 2. To chatter, babble, prate, அலப்ப. 3. To sound as the falling of a stream, to rush--as rain, மழையடிக்க. 4. To grow too moist, watery, &c., as vegetable curries, கறிகுழைய. 5. To speak with the mouth too full of saliva, வாய்நீர்சளக்க. 6. ''[prov.]'' To be disconcerted, dispirited, or overcome in controversy, public speaking, &c., கோழையாய்ப்போக. ''(c.)''

Miron Winslow

சளசள - ஒப்புமை - Similar