Tamil Dictionary 🔍



பொருளாலன்றி ஓசையால் வரும் அந்தாதித்தொடை. (ஈடு, 1,6,2,ஜீ.) Variety of antāti-t-toṭai, in which the concluding portion of one line is apparently repeated at the commencement of the next line but is different in sense though alike in sound, dist. fr. பொருளிசையந்தாதி;

Tamil Lexicon

n. இயல்+.
Variety of antāti-t-toṭai, in which the concluding portion of one line is apparently repeated at the commencement of the next line but is different in sense though alike in sound, dist. fr. பொருளிசையந்தாதி;
பொருளாலன்றி ஓசையால் வரும் அந்தாதித்தொடை. (ஈடு, 1,6,2,ஜீ.)


இயலிசையந்தாதி - ஒப்புமை - Similar