Tamil Dictionary 🔍



இடக்கண் இடத்தோள் துடித்தல். (கம்பரா.காட்சி.35). To have twitchings on the left side, referring to the muscles of the eye and the shoulder, considered to forebode good if in women and evil if in men, the reverse being predicated of the twitchings on the right side;

Tamil Lexicon

v. intr. id.+.
To have twitchings on the left side, referring to the muscles of the eye and the shoulder, considered to forebode good if in women and evil if in men, the reverse being predicated of the twitchings on the right side;
இடக்கண் இடத்தோள் துடித்தல். (கம்பரா.காட்சி.35).


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