Tamil Dictionary 🔍



கலப்புச்சாதி .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

கலப்புச்சாதி. (சீவக. 116, உரை.) Mixed castes;

Tamil Lexicon


Na Kadirvelu Pillai Dictionary

, ''s.'' A mixed race of the higher and lower castes. ''(c.)--Note.'' The assertion may be ventured, that no Hindu of the present age is a pure, unadulterated descendant of either of the four principal castes recognised in Menu a Institutes. Consult the ancient poems of Ramayana and Bharata on this point. The adulteration of caste may result according to the Ramaya na, from personal conduct as well as from birth.

Miron Winslow

n. saṅkara +.
Mixed castes;
கலப்புச்சாதி. (சீவக. 116, உரை.)


சங்கரசாதி - ஒப்புமை - Similar