Tamil Dictionary 🔍



முக்கியமல்லாதது .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

முக்கிய மல்லாதது. That which is subordinate or secondary;

Tamil Lexicon

s. that which is secondary or inferior. கௌணப் பொருள், the secondary sense or the metaphorical sense of a word, as opposed to the primary sense. கௌணாவதாரம், a secondary incarnation in which the spirit of God enters into and works through a human being.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary


Na Kadirvelu Pillai Dictionary

, [kauṇam] ''s.'' Secondary or inferior --as in கௌணப்பொருள், the secondary meaning or sense of a word, the meta phorical sense, as opposed to முக்கியப் பொ ருள், the primary or literal sense. (சிவ. சி.) W. p. 33. GOUNA.

Miron Winslow

n. gauṇa.
That which is subordinate or secondary;
முக்கிய மல்லாதது.


கௌணம் - ஒப்புமை - Similar