Tamil Dictionary 🔍



எண்வகை விடைகளுள் ஒன்று .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

எண் வகை விடைகளுள் ஒன்று. (நன். 386.) Indirect answer which is not a straight reply to the question asked, but a statement of something that may berelated to the subject of the question, as, for example, when questioned'Have you pulses to sell', to answer 'We have diamonds'; one of eightkind

Tamil Lexicon

n. id.+.
Indirect answer which is not a straight reply to the question asked, but a statement of something that may berelated to the subject of the question, as, for example, when questioned'Have you pulses to sell', to answer 'We have diamonds'; one of eightkind
எண் வகை விடைகளுள் ஒன்று. (நன். 386.)


இனமொழி - ஒப்புமை - Similar