Tamil Dictionary 🔍



, ''v. noun.'' Considering maturely, deliberating. எல்லாமோய்ந்தகணக்காய்ப்போயிற்று. His wealth, influence, &c. are all reduced. கையோயாமல்வேலைசெய்கிறான். He labors incessantly. எழுதியெழுதிக்கையோய்ந்துபோயிற்று. My arm is weary with continual writing. ஆடியோய்ந்தபம்பரம். A top that has ceased to spin; ''i. e.'' an ascetic, so called because he has renounced worldly cares, and is henceforth exempt from transmigrations. 2. An old man whose active days are past. 3. A person dis missed from office. காலோய்ந்துகையோய்ந்துபோகுதல். Feeling weak in the legs and arms--as after fever, &c.

Miron Winslow

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