Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. சொன்ன சொல் மாற்று, முன்சொன்னது தஹ்றென்றே சமய முரணென்றோ கூறி அழ்னைக் கைவிடு, கொண்ட கருத்தை மாற்றிக் கூறு, முன் ஏய்வு மறுத்துரை.



Re*cant", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Recanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Recanting.] Etym: [L. recantare, recantatum, to recall, recant; pref. re- re- + cantare to sing, to sound. See 3d Cant, Chant.] Defn: To withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly (opinions formerly expressed); to contradict, as a former declaration; to take back openly; to retract; to recall. How soon . . . ease would recant Vows made in pain, as violent and void! Milton. Syn. -- To retract; recall; revoke; abjure; disown; disavow. See Renounce. Re*cant", v. i. Defn: To revoke a declaration or proposition; to unsay what has been said; to retract; as, convince me that I am wrong, and I will recant. Dryden.

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