Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சாய்வு தளம், சரிவு, (வினை) சாயச் செய், சாய், செங்குத்தான நிலையினின்று சரியச்செய், வளை, குனி, சார்பு கொள், மனவிருப்பங் கொள், பற்றுதல் கொள்வி.



In*cline", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Inclined; p. pr. & vb. n. Inclining.] Etym: [OE. inclinen, enclinen, OF. encliner, incliner, F. incliner, L. inclinare; pref. in- in + clinare to bend, incline; akin to E. lean. See Lean to incline.] 1. To deviate from a line, direction, or course, toward an object; to lean; to tend; as, converging lines incline toward each other; a road inclines to the north or south. 2. Fig.: To lean or tend, in an intellectual or moral sense; to favor an opinion, a course of conduct, or a person; to have a propensity or inclination; to be disposed. Their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech. Judges ix. 3. Power finds its balance, giddy motions cease In both the scales, and each inclines to peace. Parnell. 3. To bow; to incline the head. Chaucer. Syn. -- To lean; slope; slant; tend; bend. In*cline", v. t. 1. To cause to deviate from a line, position, or direction; to give a leaning, bend, or slope to; as, incline the column or post to the east; incline your head to the right. Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hear. Is. xxxvii. 17. 2. To impart a tendency or propensity to, as to the will or affections; to turn; to dispose; to influence. Incline my heart unto thy testimonies. Ps. cxix. 36. Incline our hearts to keep this law. Book of Com. Prayer. 3. To bend; to cause to stoop or bow; as, to incline the head or the body in acts of reverence or civility. With due respect my body I inclined. Dryden. In*cline", n. Defn: An inclined plane; an ascent o

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