Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. சாய்ந்த, நாட்டங்கொண்ட.

In*clined", p. p. & a. 1. Having a leaning or tendency towards, or away from, a thing; disposed or moved by wish, desire, or judgment; as, a man inclined to virtue. "Each pensively inclined." Cowper. 2. (Math.) Defn: Making an angle with some line or plane; -- said of a line or plane. 3. (Bot.) Defn: Bent out of a perpendicular position, or into a curve with the convex side uppermost. Inclined plane. (Mech.) (a) A plane that makes an oblique angle with the plane of the horizon; a sloping plane. When used to produce pressure, or as a means of moving bodies, it is one of the mechanical powers, so called. (b) (Railroad & Canal) An inclined portion of track, on which trains or boats are raised or lowered from one level to another.

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