Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கற்பனையான, உளதாயிராத, புறமய்ம்மையற்ற, (கண) கற்பிக்கப்பட்ட, கணிப்பளவில் உளதாயிருப்பதாகக் கொள்ளப்படுகிற.



Im*ag"i*na*ry, a. Etym: [L. imaginarius: cf. F. imaginaire.] Defn: Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer Imaginary ills and fancied tortures Addison. Imaginary calculus See under Calculus. -- Imaginary expression or quantity (Alg.), an algebraic expression which involves the impossible operation of taking the square root of a negative quantity; as, sq. root-9, a + b sq. root-1. -- Imaginary points, lines, surfaces, etc. (Geom.), points, lines, surfaces, etc., imagined to exist, although by reason of certain changes of a figure they have in fact ceased to have a real existence. Syn. -- Ideal; fanciful; chimerical; visionary; fancied; unreal; illusive. Im*ag"i*na*ry, n. (Alg.) Defn: An imaginary expression or quantity.

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