Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. பிழைபட்ட, சரியல்லாத, தவறான, பிழைமலிந்த, தப்பெண்ணத்தால் ஏற்பட்ட.

Er*ro"ne*ous, a. Etym: [L. erroneus, fr. errare to err. See Err.] 1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural. [Obs.] "Erroneous circulation." Arbuthnot. Stopped much of the erroneous light, which otherwise would have disturbed the vision. Sir I. Newman. 2. Misleading; misled; mistaking. [Obs.] An erroneous conscience commands us to do what we ought to omit. Jer. Taylor. 3. Containing error; not conformed to truth or justice; incorrect; false; mistaken; as, an erroneous doctrine; erroneous opinion, observation, deduction, view, etc. -- Er*ro"ne*ous*ly, adv. -- Er*ro"ne*ous*ness, n.

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