Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பேராவலோடு விழுங்குதல், விழுங்க முயலுதல், பெருங்கவனம், (வினை) அவசரமாக விழுங்கு, பேராவலோடு உண், பெருமுயற்சி செய்து உட்கொள், இடர்ப்பட்டு விழுங்கு.



Gulp, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gulped; p. pr. & vb. n. Gulping.] Etym: [D. gulpen, cf. OD. golpe gulf.] Defn: To swallow eagerly, or in large draughts; to swallow up; to take down at one swallow. He does not swallow, but he gulps it down. Cowper. The old man . . . glibly gulped down the whole narrative. Fielding. To gulp up, to throw up from the stomach; to disgorge. Gulp, n. 1. The act of taking a large mouthful; a swallow, or as much as is awallowed at once. 2. A disgorging. [Colloq.]

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