Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. நீள் நிறகும் தேமாரடியும் உடைய கடற்பறவை வகை.-2 n. ஏமாளி, பேதை, மோசடி, (வினை) மயக்கி ஏய், ஏமாற்று.


#verb overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud,swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate,dissemble, shuffle, inveigle #noun deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion,imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction #verb overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud,swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate,dissemble, shuffle, inveigle #noun deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion,imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction


#verb overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud,swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate,dissemble, shuffle, inveigle #noun deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion,imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction #verb overreach, fleece, silence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, defraud,swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive, deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate,dissemble, shuffle, inveigle #noun deception, fraud, imposition, trick, artifice, illusion,imposture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie, fiction #verb enlighten, guide, remunerate, compensate, undeceive, disabuse #noun troth, reality, verity, fact, certainty, genuineness,verification, honesty, authenticity

Gull, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gulled; p. pr. & vb. n. Gulling.] Etym: [Prob. fr. gull the bird; but cf. OSw. gylla to deceive, D. kullen, and E. cullibility.] Defn: To deceive; to cheat; to mislead; to trick; to defraud. The rulgar, gulled into rebellion, armed. Dryden. I'm not gulling him for the emperor's service. Coleridge. Gull, n. 1. A cheating or cheat; trick; fraud. Shak. 2. One easily cheated; a dupe. Shak. Gull, n. Etym: [Of Celtic origin; cf. Corn. gullan, W. gwylan.] (Zoöl.) Defn: One of many species of long-winged sea birds of the genus Larus and allied genera. Note: Among the best known American species are the herring gull (Larus argentatus), the great black-backed gull (L. murinus) the laughing gull (L. atricilla), and Bonaparte's gull (L. Philadelphia). The common European gull is Larus canus. Gull teaser (Zoöl.), the jager; -- also applied to certain species of terns. Gull, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Gulled; p. pr. & vb. n. Gulling.] Etym: [Prob. fr. gull the bird; but cf. OSw. gylla to deceive, D. kullen, and E. cullibility.] Defn: To deceive; to cheat; to mislead; to trick; to defraud. The rulgar, gulled into rebellion, armed. Dryden. I'm not gulling him for the emperor's service. Coleridge. Gull, n. 1. A cheating or cheat; trick; fraud. Shak. 2. One easily cheated; a dupe. Shak. Gull, n. Etym: [Of Celtic origin; cf. Corn. gullan, W. gwylan.] (Zoöl.) Defn: One of many species of long-winged sea birds of the genus Larus and allied genera. Note: Among the best known American species are the herring gull (Larus argentatus), the great black-backed gull (L. murinus) the laughing gull (L. atricilla), and Bonaparte's gull (L. Philadelphia). The common European gull is Larus canus. Gull teaser (Zoöl.), the jager; -- also applied to certain species of terns.

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