Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. மனவமைதியைக் குலை, குழப்பு, கலக்கு, சீர்குலை, ஒழுங்கு குலை.



Dis`com*pose", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Discomposed; p. pr. & vb. n. Discomposing.] Etym: [Pref. dis- + compose: cf. OF. decomposer, F. décomposer.] 1. To disarrange; to interfere with; to disturb; to disorder; to unsettle; to break up. Or discomposed the headdress of a prude. Pope. 2. To throw into disorder; to ruffle; to destroy the composure or equanimity; to agitate. Opposition . . . discomposeth the mind's serenity. Glanvill. 3. To put out of place or service; to discharge; to displace. [Obs.] Bacon. Syn. -- To disorder; derange; unsettle; disturb; disconcert; agitate; ruffle; fret; vex.

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