Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. உடனிகழ், முற்றும்பொருந்து, ஓரிடத்தில்கூடு, இசைவுறு, கூடிச் செயலாற்று, கருத்தில் ஒன்றுபடு, உடன்படு.



Con*cur", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Concurred (; p. pr. & vb. n. Concurring.] Etym: [L. concurrere to run together, agree; con- + currere to run. See Current.] 1. To run together; to meet. [Obs.] Anon they fierce encountering both concurred With grisly looks and faces like their fates. J. Hughes. 2. To meet in the same point; to combine or conjoin; to contribute or help toward a common object or effect. When outward causes concur. Jer. Colier. 3. To unite or agree (in action or opinion); to join; to act jointly; to agree; to coincide; to correspond. Mr. Burke concurred with Lord Chatham in opinion. Fox. Tories and Whigs had concurred in paying honor to Walker. Makaulay. This concurs directly with the letter. Shak. 4. To assent; to consent. [Obs.] Milton. Syn. -- To agree; unite; combine; conspire; coincide; approve; acquiesce; assent.

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