Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 v. சாலவித்தை செய், வணக்க வழிபாட்டுடன் வேண்டிக்கொள், மந்திர உச்சரிப்பினால் ஆவிகளைத் தோன்றும்படி வற்புறுத்து, மாயத்துக்குட்படுத்து, செப்பிடு வித்தைகளால் விளைவி, மனக்கண்முன் கொண்டுவா.-2 v. தெய்வப்பெயர் சொல்லிக்கூப்பிடு, வேண்டி வற்புறுத்து, மன்றாடிக்கேள், மனமார வேண்டிக்கொள்.



Con*jure", v. t. [imp. & p.p. Conjured; p.pr. & vb.n. Conjuring.] Etym: [F. conjurer, fr. L. conjurare to swear together, to conspire; con- + jurare to swear. See Jury.] Defn: To call on or summon by a sacred name or in solemn manner; to implore earnestly; to adjure. I conjure you, let him know, Whate'er was done against him, Cato did it. Addison. Con*jure", v. i. Defn: To combine together by an eath; to conspire; to confederate. [A Latinism] Drew after him the third part of Heaven's sons Conjured against the Highest. Milton. Con"jure, v. t. Defn: To affect or effect by conjuration; to call forth or send away by magic arts; to excite or alter, as if by magic or by the aid of supernatural powers. The habitation which your prophet . . . conjured the devil into. Shak. To conjure up, or make visible, as a spirit, by magic arts; hence, to invent; as, to conjure up a story; to conjure up alarms. Con"jure, v. i. Defn: To practice magical arts; to use the tricks of a conjurer; to juggle; to charm. She conjures; away with her. Shak. Con*jure", v. t. [imp. & p.p. Conjured; p.pr. & vb.n. Conjuring.] Etym: [F. conjurer, fr. L. conjurare to swear together, to conspire; con- + jurare to swear. See Jury.] Defn: To call on or summon by a sacred name or in solemn manner; to implore earnestly; to adjure. I conjure you, let him know, Whate'er was done against him, Cato did it. Addison. Con*jure", v. i. Defn: To combine together by an eath; to conspire; to confederate. [A Latinism] Drew after him the third part of Heaven's sons Conjured against the Highest. Milton. Con"jure, v. t. Defn: To affect or effect by conjuration; to call forth or send away by magic arts; to excite or alter, as if by magic or by the aid of supernatural powers. The habitation which your prophet . . . conjured the devil into. Shak. To conjure up, or make visible, as a spirit, by magic arts; hence, to invent; as, to conjure up a story; to conjure up alarms. Con"jure, v. i. Defn: To practice magical arts; to use the tricks of a conjurer; to juggle; to charm. She conjures; away with her. Shak.

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