Tamil Dictionary 🔍



கையாற்புரியும் அபிநயம் .

தமிழ் - தமிழ் அகரமுதலி

கையாற்புரியும் அபிநயம். (பரத. பாவ. 19, தலைப்பு.) Gesticulation by the hands;

Tamil Lexicon

, ''s.'' The mode of using the hands in dancing which are of twenty-three kinds, ''viz.'': 1. பதாகை, stretching all the five fingers keeping them close and straight. 2. திரிபதாகை, bending the thumb and ring-finger and stretching the rest. 3. பிறை, keeping the other four fingers close together separately from the thumb. 4. சர்ப்பசிரம், keeping the palm of the hand curved. 5. சாளையம், bending the little finger and ring-finger and stretching the rest. 6. மான்றலை, keeping the middle three fing ers down and lifting the other two up. 7. பதுமகோசரம், keeping up the palm of the hand opened having the fingers bent. 8. சிலீமுகம், keeping the tip of the fore finger at the bottom of the thumb and the tips of each of the rest at the middle of the adjoining finger. 9. முட்டி, folding all the four fingers and keeping the thumb above the middle finger. 1. சிக ரம், folding all the other fingers and keeping the thumb stretched. 11. சூசி, stretching the pointing finger and keep ing the thumb curved while the others are folded. 12. கபித்தம், keeping the tips of the thumb and fore-finger close to gether and the other folded. 13. கடகம், keeping the tips of the thumb and fore finger together, the middle finger bent and the rest stretched. 14. சந்தங்கிஷம், keeping the tips of the thumb and pointing finger together, stretching the rest. 15. அஞ்சவாய், keeping the ring finger and little finger separately stretch ed up and keeping the tips of the rest together. 16. முகிழ், keeping the tips of all the fingers together. 17. திரிலிங்கம், keeping the tips of the thumb and point ing finger together, the rest curved and the wrist a little bent. 18. மிருகசிரம், stretching up the pointing finger and the little finger and keeping the rest close together. 19. சிங்கநகம், keeping up the palm of the hand having the fingers almost folded. 2. கூர்மம், stretching up the middle finger while the others are bent down. 21. பூரணம், stretching all the five fingers straight not being close together. 22. மென்னிலை, bending the thumb and stretching up the rest. 23. முன்னதம், separating the fore-finger from the rest.

Miron Winslow

n. id. +.=(Nāṭya.)
Gesticulation by the hands;
கையாற்புரியும் அபிநயம். (பரத. பாவ. 19, தலைப்பு.)


கரலட்சணம் - ஒப்புமை - Similar