Tamil Dictionary 🔍



III. v. i. be modest, reluctant, parsimonious; 2. move about, walk, see உலாவு.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary

, [ulvu] கிறேன், உலவினேன், வேன், உலவ, ''v. n.'' To be modest, reluctant, spar ing, parsimonious, கூசிக்குறைக்க 2. [''a con traction of'' உலாவு.] To move about, walk, or ride about for recreation, or exercise. உலவலீரெனவோதுகின்றார்சிலர். Some said, Don't be afraid to eat. (ஸ்காந்.) உலவாவுலவாருமோதம். Waves which un dulate without cessation. (அலங்காரம்.) உலவைவைகலுமூசலினீர்மையார். Their daily going and coming resembles the vibrations of a swing.

Miron Winslow

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