Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. செருக்கிய, இறுமாந்த, மட்டுமீறிய தன்மதிப்புடைய, தன்நிறைவுமிக்க, வீறாப்புமிக்க, மான உணர்ச்சிமயுடைய, தன்மதிப்புக்குன்றாத, விழுமிய தோற்றமடைய, மதிப்பிற்குரியதாகக் கொள்கிற, பெருமை அளிக்கிற, பெருமைக்குக் காரணமாகக் கூறப்படுகிற, துணிவான, எடுப்பான, துடிப்பான, புடைப்பான, வௌ஢ளத்தின் வகையில் பொங்கி வருகிற, விலங்கின் பெடை வகைகளில் இணைவவாமிக்க.



Proud, a. [Compar. Prouder; superl. Proudest.] Etym: [OE. proud, prout, prud, prut, AS. prut; akin to Icel. pruedhr stately, handsome, Dan. prud handsome. Cf. Pride.] 1. Feeling or manifesting pride, in a good or bad sense; as: (a) Possessing or showing too great self-esteem; overrating one's excellences; hence, arrogant; haughty; lordly; presumptuous. Nor much expect A foe so proud will first the weaker seek. Milton. O death, made proud with pure and princely beauty ! Shak. And shades impervious to the proud world's glare. Keble. (b) Having a feeling of high self-respect or self-esteem; exulting (in); elated; -- often with of; as, proud of one's country. "Proud to be checked and soothed." Keble. Are we proud men proud of being proud Thackeray. 2. Giving reason or occasion for pride or self-gratulation; worthy of admiration; grand; splendid; magnificent; admirable; ostentatious. "Of shadow proud." Chapman. "Proud titles." Shak. " The proud temple's height." Dryden. Till tower, and dome, and bridge-way proud Are mantled with a golden cloud. Keble. 3. Excited by sexual desire; -- applied particularly to the females of some animals. Sir T. Browne. Note: Proud is often used with participles in the formation of compounds which, for the most part, are self-explaining; as, proud- crested, proud-minded, proud-swelling. Proud flesh (Med.), a fungous growth or excrescence of granulations resembling flesh, in a wound or ulcer.

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