Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. அதிகாரமனப்பான்மையுள்ள, மேலாதிக்க தொனியையுடைய, வீறாப்பான, இறுமாப்புவாய்ந்த, கட்டளையிடுகிற, தவிர்க்கமுடியாத, அதிரடியான, இமைக்கப்பெறாத அவசரமுடைய.



Im*pe"ri*ous, a. Etym: [L. imperiosus: cf. F. impérieux. See Imperial.] 1. Commanding; ascendant; imperial; lordly; majestic. [Obs.] "A vast and imperious mind." Tilloison. Therefore, great lords, be, as your titles witness, Imperious. Shak. 2. Haughly; arrogant; overbearing; as, an imperious tyrant; an imperious manner. This imperious man will work us all From princes into pages. Shak. His bold, contemptuous, and imperious spirit soon made him conspicuous. Macaulay. 3. Imperative; urgent; compelling. Imperious need, which can not be withstood. Dryden. Syn. -- Dictatorial; haughty; domineering; overbearing; lordly; tyrannical; despotic; arrogant; imperative; authoritative; commanding; pressing. -- Imperious, Lordly, Domineering. One who is imperious exercises his authority in a manner highly offensive for its spirit and tone; one who is lordly assumes a lofty air in order to display his importance; one who is domineering gives orders in a way to make other feel their inferiority.

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