Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அமைதி, போரற்ற நிலை, சமாதான நிலை, உள் நாட்டமைதி, குழப்பமற்ற நிலை, சட்ட ஒழுங்கமைதி, மன அமைதி, உலைவிலா நிலை, கலக்கமின்மை, நுட்பமைதி, மோனம், சந்தடியின்மை.



Peace, n. Etym: [OE. pees, pais, OF. pais, paiz, pes, F. paix, L. pax, pacis, akin to pacere, paciscere, pacisci, to make an agreement, and prob. also pangere to fasten. Cf. Appease, Fair, a., Fay, v., Fang, Pacify, Pact, Pay to requite.] Defn: A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose; specifically: (a) Exemption from, or cessation of, war with public enemies. (b) Public quiet, order, and contentment in obedience to law. (c) Exemption from, or subjection of, agitating passions; tranquillity of mind or conscience. (d) Reconciliation; agreement after variance; harmony; concord. "The eternal love and pees." Chaucer. Note: Peace is sometimes used as an exclamation in commanding silence, quiet, or order. "Peace! foolish woman." Shak. At peace, in a state of peace. -- Breach of the peace. See under Breach. -- Justice of the peace. See under Justice. -- Peace of God. (Law) (a) A term used in wills, indictments, etc., as denoting a state of peace and good conduct. (b) (Theol.) The peace of heart which is the gift of God. -- Peace offering. (a) (Jewish Antiq.) A voluntary offering to God in token of devout homage and of a sense of friendly communion with Him. (b) A gift or service offered as satisfaction to an offended person. -- Peace officer, a civil officer whose duty it is to preserve the public peace, to prevent riots, etc., as a sheriff or constable. -- To hold one's peace, to be silent; to refrain from speaking. -- To make one's peace with, to reconcile one with, to plead one's cause with, or to become reconciled with, another. "I will make your peace with him." Shak. Peace, v. t. & i. Defn: To make or become quiet; to be silent; to stop. [R.] "Peace your tattlings." Shak. When the thunder would not peace at my bidding. Shak.

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