Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பகைமை, எதிர்ப்பு, போர் நிலவரம்.



Hos*til"i*ty, n.; pl. Hostilities. Etym: [L. hostilitas: cf. F. hostilité.] 1. State of being hostile; public or private enemy; unfriendliness; animosity. Hostility being thus suspended with France. Hayward. 2. An act of an open enemy; a hostile deed; especially in the plural, acts of warfare; attacks of an enemy. We have showed ourselves generous adversaries . . . and have carried on even our hostilities with humanity. Atterbury. He who proceeds to wanton hostility, often provokes an enemy where he might have a friend. Crabb. Syn. -- Animosity; enmity; opposition; violence; aggression; contention; warfare.

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