Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. வினையாற்று, சமய வினைமுறைக்கடனாற்று. வழிபாட்டு முறையாற்று, பணித்துறைக் கடனாற்று, பொதுக்கடமையாற்று, கடன்முறைசெய்.



Of*fi"ci*ate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Officiated; p. pr. & vb. n. Officiating.] Etym: [LL. officiare. See Office.] Defn: To act as an officer in performing a duty; to transact the business of an office or public trust; to conduct a public service. Bp. Stillingfleet. Of*fi"ci*ate, v. t. Defn: To discharge, perform, or supply, as an official duty or function. [Obs.] Merely to officiate light Round this opacous earth. Milton.

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