Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. மருத்துவத் துறைக்குரிய, மருத்துவர் வழக்காற்றின்பாற்பட்ட, மருத்துவப் பட்டியற்படியான.

Of*fic"i*nal, a. Etym: [F., fr. L. officina a workshop, contr.fr. opificina, fr. opifex a workman; opus work + facere to make or do.] 1. Used in a shop, or belonging to it. [Obs. or R.] Johnson. 2. (Pharm.) Defn: Kept in stock by apothecaries; -- said of such drugs and medicines as may be obtained without special preparation or compounding; not magistral. Note: This term is often interchanged with official, but in strict use officinal drugs are not necessarily official. See Official, a., 3.

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