Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வீணன், குறும்பன், போக்கிரி, படைவீரன் அல்லது பணியாள் உருவம் தாங்கியுள்ள ஆட்டச்சீட்டு.



Knave, n. Etym: [OE., boy, servant, knave, AS. cnafa boy, youth; cf. AS. cnapa boy, youth, D. kna, G. knabe boy, knappe esquire, Icel. knapi, Sw. knape esquire, knäfvel knave.] 1. A boy; especially, a boy servant. [Obs.] Wyclif. Chaucer. O murderous slumber, Lay'st thou thy leaden mace upon my boy That plays thee music Gentle knave, good night. Shak. 2. Any male servant; a menial. [Obs.] Chaucer. He's but Fortune's knave, A minister of her will. Shak. 3. A tricky, deceitful fellow; a dishonest person; a rogue; a villain. "A pair of crafty knaves." Shak. In defiance of demonstration, knaves will continue to proselyte fools. Ames. Note: "How many serving lads must have been unfaithful and dishonest before knave -which meant at first no more than boy -- acquired the meaning which it has now !" Trench. 4. A playing card marked with the figure of a servant or soldier; a jack. Knave child, a male child. [Obs.] Chaucer. Syn. -- Villain; cheat; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; miscreant.

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