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In"no*cent, a. Etym: [F.innocent, L. innocens, -entis; pref. in- not + nocens, p.pr. of nocere to harm, hurt. See Noxious.] 1. Not harmful; free from that which can injure; innoxious; innocuous; harmless; as, an innocent medicine or remedy. The spear Sung innocent,and spent its force in air. Pope. 2. Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright. To offer up a weak, poor, innocent lamb. Shak. I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. Matt. xxvii. 4. The aidless,innocent lady, his wished prey. Milton. 3. Free from the guilt of a particular crime or offense; as, a man is innocent of the crime charged. Innocent from the great transgression. Ps. xix. 13. 4. Simple; artless; foolish. Shak. 5. Lawful; permitted; as, an innocent trade. 6. Not contraband; not subject to forfeiture; as, innocent goods carried to a belligerent nation. Innocent party (Law),a party who has not notice of a fact tainting a litigated transaction with illegality. Syn. -- Harmless; innoxious; innoffensive; guiltless; spotless; immaculate; pure; unblamable; blameless; faultless; guileless; upright. In"no*cent, n. 1. An innocent person; one free from, or unacquainted with, guilt or sin. Shak. 2. An unsophisticated person; hence, a child; a simpleton; an idiot. B. Jonson. In Scotland a natural fool was called an innocent. Sir W. Scott. Innocents' day (Eccl.), Childermas day.

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