Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. அடிக்கடி மாறும் இயல்புள்ள, நிலையற்ற, எளிதில் பேதுறுகிற.



Fic"kle, a. Etym: [OE. fikel untrustworthy, deceitful, AS. ficol, fr. fic, gefic, fraud, deceit; cf. facen deceit, OS. f, OHG. feichan, Icel. feikn portent. Cf. Fidget.] Defn: Not fixed or firm; liable to change; unstable; of a changeable mind; not firm in opinion or purpose; inconstant; capricious; as, Fortune's fickle wheel. Shak. They know how fickle common lovers are. Dryden. Syn. -- Wavering; irresolute; unsettled; vacillating; unstable; inconsonant; unsteady; variable; mutable; changeful; capricious; veering; shifting.

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