Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. நிலையற்ற, இடம் பெயர்கிற, நிலை பெயர்கிற, இடம் பெயரும் இயல்புடைய, வகைதுறை காணும் திறமுடைய, வகைதுறை வளமுடைய.

Shift"ing, a. 1. Changing in place, position, or direction; varying; variable; fickle; as, shifting winds; shifting opinions or principles. 2. Adapted or used for shifting anything. Shifting backstays (Naut.), temporary stays that have to be let go whenever the vessel tacks or jibes. -- Shifting ballast, ballast which may be moved from one side of a vessel to another as safety requires. -- Shifting center. See Metacenter. -- Shifting locomotive. See Switching engine, under Switch.

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