Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. உறையச்செய், குளிரால் கெட்டியாக்கு, குருதி கட்டுவி, குளிரினால் கெட்டியாகு, உறை, இறுகு, குருதி கட்டு.



Con*geal", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Congealed; p. pr. & vb. n. Congealing.] [F. congeler, L. congelare, -gelatumn; con- + gelare to freeze, gelu frost. See Gelid.] 1. To change from a fluid to a solid state by cold; to freeze. A vapory deluge lies to snow congealed. Thomson. 2. To affect as if by freezing; to check the flow of, or cause to run cold; to chill. As if with horror to congeal his blood. Stirling. Con*geal", v. i. Defn: To grow hard, stiff, or thick, from cold or other causes; to become solid; to freeze; to cease to flow; to run cold; to be chilled. Lest zeal, now melted . . . Cool and congeal again to what it was. Shak.

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