Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கரையச்செய், கரை, பனிக்கட்டி வகையில் உருகச்செய், உருகு, நீரியலாக்கு, நீரியலாகு, நீர்பெருக்கு, நீரில் தோய்வுறு, கூட்டுச் சிதைவி, சேய்மானம் பிரிவுறு. அவையினைக்கலை, அவைகலைவுறு, தேய்ந்துமறை, படிப்படியாக மறை, மறைவுறு, முடிவுறு, தள்ளுபடி,செய், தளர்வுறச் செய், தசைநார்கள் தளர்வுறவிடு.



Dis*solve", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dissolved; p. pr. & vb. n. Dissolving.] Etym: [L. dissolvere, dissolutum; dis- + solvere to loose, free. See Solve, and cf. Dissolute.] 1. To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering a relation, etc.; to terminate; to destroy; to deprive of force; as, to dissolve a partnership; to dissolve Parliament. Lest his ungoverned rage dissolve the life. Shak. 2. To break the continuity of; to disconnect; to disunite; to sunder; to loosen; to undo; to separate. Nothing can dissolve us. Shak. Down fell the duke, his joints dissolved asunder. Fairfax. For one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another. The Declaration of Independence. 3. To convert into a liquid by means of heat, moisture, etc.,; to melt; to liquefy; to soften. As if the world were all dissolved to tears. Shak. 4. To solve; to clear up; to resolve. "Dissolved the mystery." Tennyson. Make interpretations and dissolve doubts. Dan. v. 16. 5. To relax by pleasure; to make powerless. Angels dissolved in hallelujahs lie. Dryden. 6. (Law) Defn: To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release; as, to dissolve an injunction. Syn. -- See Adjourn. Dis*solve", v. i. 1. To waste away; to be dissipated; to be decomposed or broken up. 2. To become fluid; to be melted; to be liquefied. A figure Trenched in ice, which with an hour's heat Dissolves to water, and doth lose his form. Shak. 3. To fade away; to fall to nothing; to lose power. The charm dissolves apace. Shak.

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