Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. (பிர.) தலைதாழ்த்தல், வணக்கந் தெரிவித்தல், விடையளிப்பு, உபசரிப்பின்றி அனுப்பிவைத்தல், (வி.) தலைதாழ்த்து, வணக்கம் செய், விடைபெறு.

Con"ge, v. i. [Imp. & p. p. Congeed; p. pr. & vb. n. Congeing.] [OF. congier, congeer, F. congédier, fr. congé. See Congé, n.] Defn: To take leave with the customary civilities; to bow or courtesy. I have congeed with the duke, done my adieu with his nearest. Shak. Con`gé" (kôN`zhay"; E. kon"je; 277), n. [F., leave, permission, fr. L. commeatus a going back and forth, a leave of absence, furlough, fr. commeare, -meatum, to go and come; com- + meare to go. Cf. Permeate.] [Formerly written congie.] 1. The act of taking leave; parting ceremony; farewell; also, dismissal. Should she pay off old Briggs and give her her congé Thackeray. 2. The customary act of civility on any occasion; a bow or a courtesy. The captain salutes you with congé profound. Swift. 3. (Arch.) An apophyge. Gwilt. Congé d'élire [F., leave to choose] (Eccl.), the sovereign's license or permission to a dean and chapter to choose as bishop the person nominated in the missive.

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