Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வளர்ச்சி, அதிகரித்தல்.



Aug`men*ta"tion, n. Etym: [LL. augmentatio: cf. F. augmentation.] 1. The act or process of augmenting, or making larger, by addition, expansion, or dilation; increase. 2. The state of being augmented; enlargement. 3. The thing added by way of enlargement. 4. (Her.) Defn: A additional charge to a coat of arms, given as a mark of honor. Cussans. 5. (Med.) Defn: The stage of a disease in which the symptoms go on increasing. Dunglison. 6. (Mus.) Defn: In counterpoint and fugue, a repetition of the subject in tones of twice the original length. Augmentation court (Eng. Hist.), a court erected by Stat. 27 Hen. VIII., to augment to revenues of the crown by the suppression of monasteries. It was long ago dissolved. Encyc. Brit. Syn. -- Increase; enlargement; growth; extension; accession; addition.

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