Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. உய்த்துணர்தல், உய்த்துணரப்படுவது, ஊகிக்கப்படுவது, அனுமானம், (அள) விதி தருமுறை, பொதுக் கருத்தினின்று தனிப்பட்டஉண்மையைப் பிரித்தெடுக்கம் முறை, கழித்தல், கழிவு.



De*duc"tion, n. Etym: [L. deductio: cf. F. déduction.] 1. Act or process of deducing or inferring. The deduction of one language from another. Johnson. This process, by which from two statements we deduce a third, is called deduction. J. R. Seely. 2. Act of deducting or taking away; subtraction; as, the deduction of the subtrahend from the minuend. 3. That which is deduced or drawn from premises by a process of reasoning; an inference; a conclusion. Make fair deductions; see to what they mount. Pope. 4. That which is deducted; the part taken away; abatement; as, a deduction from the yearly rent. Syn. -- See Induction.

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