Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சுருக்கல், சுருங்குதல், சுருக்கம், குறுக்கம், வழக்கில் குறுக்கப்பட்ட சொல், இறுக்கம், செறிவு, குறுக்கக் குறியீடு, முற்காலக் கையெழுத்தின் சுருக்கச் சின்னம், நோய்-கடன் பழக்க முதலியவற்றின் பற்றுகை.

Con*trac"tion, n. Etym: [L. contractio: cf. F. contraction.] 1. The act or process of contracting, shortening, or shrinking; the state of being contracted; as, contraction of the heart, of the pupil of the eye, or of a tendion; the contraction produced by cold. 2. (Math.) Defn: The process of shortening an operation. 3. The act of incurring or becoming subject to, as liabilities, obligation, debts, etc.; the process of becoming subject to; as, the contraction of a disease. 4. Something contracted or abbreviated, as a word or phrase; -- as, plenipo for plenipotentiary; crim. con. for criminal conversation, etc. 5. (Gram.) Defn: The shortening of a word, or of two words, by the omission of a letter or letters, or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one; as, ne'er for never; can't for can not; don't for do not; it's for it is. 6. A marriage contract. [Obs.] Shak.

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