Tamil Dictionary 🔍



, ''inf.'' To face, look toward, go, sail, &c., in the direction of, எதிர்க்க. 2. To put or lay down in a straight or direct posture, வரிசையாகவைக்க. 3. ''(fig.)'' To kill, murder, despatch, send off, கொல்ல. 4. ''[prov.]'' To expose to beasts of prey, &c., முன்காட்ட. 5. To make the first gap or cleft down a tree for splitting, சரியாகப்பிளக்க. 6. To lend the water in a channel for irrigation, நீர்க்கால்மாற. 7. To lay out a person about breathing his last, கிடத்த. 8. To stretch one's self at length in lying down to sleep, நீட்டிநிமிர்ந்துபடுக்க. 9. To lead a team at plough, ஏர்நடத்த.

Miron Winslow

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