Tamil Dictionary 🔍



VI. v. i. writhe, நெளி; 2. bend, வளை; 3. protrude, துருத்து; 4. be defeated or vanquished, தோல்விகாட்டு.

J.P. Fabricius Dictionary

, [kekkḷi] க்கிறேன், த்தேன், ப்பேன், க்க, ''v. n. [prov.]'' To bend, writhe; to be twisted out of place; to be distorted--as the body of a wrestler, the feet being fix ed, நெளிய. 2. To be pushed out, to be protuberant--as a bone when carrying a heavy load, வளைய. 4. To be defeated in controversy; to yield, தோல்விகாட்ட.

Miron Winslow

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