Tamil Dictionary 🔍



விசிஷ்டாத்துவைத ஸ்தாபனாசாரியர். Rāmānuja, a šrī Vaišṇava Acārya (teacher) and ascetic (1017 - 1137 A.D.) who was the leading exponent of the Visišṭādvaita doctrine of pantheistic non-dualism which treats the world and Jīvas as adjuncts to the Lord and thus synthesises all the three in

Tamil Lexicon

n. id.
Rāmānuja, a šrī Vaišṇava Acārya (teacher) and ascetic (1017 - 1137 A.D.) who was the leading exponent of the Visišṭādvaita doctrine of pantheistic non-dualism which treats the world and Jīvas as adjuncts to the Lord and thus synthesises all the three in
விசிஷ்டாத்துவைத ஸ்தாபனாசாரியர்.


இராமானுசர் - ஒப்புமை - Similar