Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. தன் விருப்பார்ந்த, தானே ஆர்வந் தெரிவிக்கிற, புறக்கட்டுப்பாடற்ற, மனமகிழ்வுடன் முனைகிற, விருப்பார்வத்துடன் வழங்கப்பட்ட.



Will"ing, a. Etym: [From Will, v. t.] 1. Free to do or to grant; having the mind inclined; not opposed in mind; not choosing to refuse; disposed; not averse; desirous; consenting; complying; ready. Felix, willing to show the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound. Acts xxiv. 27. With wearied wings and willing feet. Milton. [Fruit] shaken in August from the willing boughs. Bryant. 2. Received of choice, or without reluctance; submitted to voluntarily; chosen; desired. [They] are held, with his melodious harmony, In willing chains and sweet captivity. Milton. 3. Spontaneous; self-moved. [R.] No spouts of blood run willing from a tree. Dryden.

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