Tamil Dictionary 🔍


செண்டு, குண்டாந்தடி, காவல்துறையில் குறுந்தடி, பணித்துறைக்குரிய உரிமைக்குரிய உரிமைக்கோல், (கட்) கோமகனாருக்குரிய கைத்தடிச் சின்னம்.

Trun"cheon, n. Etym: [OE. tronchoun the shaft of a broken spear, broken piece, OF.tronchon, tron, F. tron, fr. OF. & F. tronce, tronche, a piece of wood; cf. OF. trons, tros, trois; all perhaps from L. thyrsus a stalk, stem, staff. See Thyrsus, and cf. Trounce.] 1. A short staff, a club; a cudgel; a shaft of a spear. With his truncheon he so rudely struck. Spenser. 2. A baton, or military staff of command. The marshal's truncheon nor the judges robe. Shak. 3. A stout stem, as of a tree, with the branches lopped off, to produce rapid growth. Gardner. Trun"cheon, v. t. Defn: To beat with a truncheon. Shak.

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