Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. பலமாக அடி, கடுமையாக அறை.

Swinge (swînj), v. & n. Defn: See Singe. [Obs.] Spenser. Swinge, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Swinged (swînjd); p. pr. & vb. n. Swingeing (swînj"îng).] Etym: [OE. swengen, AS. swengan to shake, causative of swingan. See Swing.] 1. To beat soundly; to whip; to chastise; to punish. I had swinged him soundly. Shak. And swinges his own vices in his son. C. Dryden. 2. To move as a lash; to lash. [Obs.] Swinges the scaly horror of his folded tail. Milton. Swinge, n. 1. The sweep of anything in motion; a swinging blow; a swing. [Obs.] Waller. 2. Power; sway; influence. [Obs.]

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