Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. சிறகுகள் அமைந்துள்ள, விதை வகையில் சிறகல்லியினையுடைய, தண்டு வகையில் இலைக்காம்படி இணைவுற்ற, கனி வகையில் தட்டையான அடி இணைப்புடைய, சிறகில் அடிபட்ட, விரைவான, விழுமிய.

Winged, a. 1. Furnished with wings; transported by flying; having winglike expansions. 2. Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; hence, elevated; lofty; sublime. [R.] How winged the sentiment that virtue is to be followed for its own sake. J. S. Harford. 3. Swift; rapid. "Bear this sealed brief with winged haste to the lord marshal." Shak. 4. Wounded or hurt in the wing. 5. (Bot.) Defn: Furnished with a leaflike appendage, as the fruit of the elm and the ash, or the stem in certain plants; alate. 6. (Her.) Defn: Represented with wings, or having wings, of a different tincture from the body. 7. Fanned with wings; swarming with birds. "The winged air darked with plumes." Milton.

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