Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. உயர்மதிப்பு வாய்ந்த, கவர்ச்சியூட்டி ஆட்கொள்ளுகிற, சிறந்ததான, தனிவீறார்ந்த, முதல்தரமான, மிக மேம்பட்ட.



Su*perb", a. Etym: [F. superbe, L. superbus, fr. super over. See Super-.] 1. Grand; magnificent; august; stately; as, a superb edifice; a superb colonnade. 2. Rich; elegant; as, superb furniture or decorations. 3. Showy; excellent; grand; as, a superb exhibition. Superb paradise bird (Zoöl.), a bird of paradise (Paradisæa, or Lophorina, superba) having the scapulars erectile, and forming a large ornamental tuft on each shoulder, and a large gorget of brilliant feathers on the breast. The color is deep violet, or nearly black, with brilliant green reflections. The gorget is bright metallic green. -- Superb warber. (Zoöl.) See Blue wren, under Wren. -- Su*perb"ly, adv. -- Su*perb"ness, n.

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