Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. நீரொழுக்கற்ற, ஓடாத, பாயாத, அசையாது நிற்கிற, கிளர்ச்சியற்ற, மந்தமாக, செயலற்ற, சோம்பியுள்ள, கெட்டுப்போன, நலங்கெட்ட.



Stag"nant, a. Etym: [L. stagnans, -antis, p.pr. of stagnare. See Stagnate.] 1. That stagnates; not flowing; not running in a current or steam; motionless; hence, impure or foul from want of motion; as, a stagnant lake or pond; stagnant blood in the veins. 2. Not active or brisk; dull; as, business in stagnant. That gloomy slumber of the stagnant soul. Johnson. For him a stagnant life was not worth living. Palfrey.

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